
Monica Today

Join me on an every day treasure hunt for love laughter and connection. :)

Dear Monica,how wonderful to receive your words, being born from your divine presence. I was walking today from work. I walk through a golf course. So I get a chance to be in nature everyday. I was admiring Life, expressing itself. The Greenery, the scent of fresh air, and the magic of birds flying. I thought how Amazing is God. How His Imminence is boundless in His Creating, and the magnitude of creations, co existing here on Planet Earth, arising from Source. I felt tears in my ears not from sorrow, yes there was pain present also, but not due to loss, but sensing my Heart Center expanding and embracing the Wonder and Beauty of Life. In Her Glory Mother Earth is so Abundant and Full of things for us to have so that we can live here. How rich we are, beyond measures. Only recognition is required, than a surrender in Trust to Divine Will and that ones needs will be taken care of. Out of this simplicity we meet each other Monica. Sharing and surrendering to the will of the One. As this happens than Love is experienced. Is it I that Loves? No. It is Love Dancing in me and me being its witness. My life is journey longing to be drowned in Love's Presence. I am really touched by what you have written. I can sense you here on a spiritual level. No separation. Love does not know any limits. Moment by Moment being connected to my feelings of Joy and I attract more Joy into my life. Here you are Monica, reavealing to me and to your self that the Law of Attraction, is not a joke. Not some hippie dippie stuff, Flower power, arm chair philosophy, but simply God speaking, or the Law of the Universe. I am grateful for your sharing the letter with your Mother. I do not mind if you wish to share the letter with others. I would be happy to have you tell others about the Reiki. Thank You. Here is the Updated Link: So Here we are, what possiblities are available for us to create? Energy follows thought. So what vision can we manifest that touches move and inspires others around us? Its is Joy communicating with you.Keep in touch Angel Heart.SolP.S Healing will be sent tomorrow. Bright Blessings to you and your Mother.

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