
Monica Today

Join me on an every day treasure hunt for love laughter and connection. :)

O.k. so Matt talks in his sleep....the things he says are hilarious!!! Yay...he just gave me permission to share...
Sometimes he stares me right in the eyes (at first when he would do this I thought he was wide awake until the things he was saying got so ridiculous that I realized he was asleep, especially when he would start snoring mid statement.)
So this morning he says:
" We've gotta get that male dog in my dream off the table, he shouldn't be there."
(apparently he was awake enough to know that the dog was a dream dog but not awake enough to realize that if that was the case than who cares if he is up on a dream table.)
Then he goes on to say " and you're right, that cute male dog on the table is gonna like that cute female dog of your mom's - That's good, everybody should be happy."

Ahh so fun!!!!

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